Nicholson's Bar Bible -Update 04/2023

Tasting process

Appearance, agitate & aroma Are there bubbles? Is it still? Is there a head? Any foam? Agitate / swirl to release the aroma Take a big sniff, it should smell fresh. Any scents of drains, eggs, vinegar indicate an infection. Any chemical smells indicate line cleaning issues


Vinegar, Sherry & wet cardboard – suggest the product has oxidised Banana (know as cider sickness) caused by bacterial contamination

Body Does the cider cling to the sides of the glass? Does the cider have legs / tears?

Sour Milk / Yoghurt – bacterial infection



Clarity Bright ciders should be shiny & luminous Cloudy ciders should have even and fluid distribution of the sediment to form natural haze


Does it taste good? The cider should taste appley and typically cider


Enjoy! Sit back, relax and enjoy (in moderation)


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